Well...for those of you who didn't know.
My computer had encountered a virus, it keeps restarting itself. I can't even access my anti-virus scan. As a result, i had to reboot it, losing all my files in my hard drive.
I didn't back it up as i was too lazy to even install the local drive. Well...that was definitely a lesson learnt and a painful one too. Took me about a year gathering sounds from various sites. Downloading tons of musics to use for my animations and they're all gone.
All currents projects that were in delay were jumped to extinction. my old animations, including those i haven't post online were eradicated as well. Currents projects includes:
- Rifles
- Swordsman
- The Legend 1.0
- Terkoiz Vs. Zackie 2
- World War 2
- ZVP : Lockdown
Yea...well...let's be optimistic and look of the bright side. Now, i can start working on tests and new projects instead of focusing on what's left behind.
If you can help in any way, i would greatly appreciate it. That's it for now.
That sucks, sorry to hear that man. I've been fortunate enough for my computer not to get a virus yet, but ya never know. Also, you mentioned losing a lot of sounds; there's a great site for getting sound effects that I know of called: <a href="http://www.soundsnap.com">www.soundsnap.com</a>. Give it a try, and good luck with your future endeavors.
wow, useful! You rock dude!